Our Credentials
Our experience creates relations… Our expertise delivers profits…
Founded in Mumbai the year 1976, by the brothers Snehal Mehta and Chirag Mehta, two well-known names in the shipping industry in India, Trans Ocean has today with years of accumulated insight and experience nurtured a solid and reliable name in the highly competitive Ship Broking business.
With a business model that demands acting as intelligent and informed intermediaries between two contracting parties, Trans Ocean has built up and maintained a team of ship brokers who single mindedly focus on high performance service and deliverables.
The key operating fundamental at Trans Ocean is Relationships.
This mindset has helped to create a network of ship broking professionals who are wholly committed to a client’s business interests. This has also resulted in our clients trusting our expertise implicitly and valuing our opinion on vital business matters.
Our service scope covers all major shipping routes and provides clients access to our advanced, solutions portfolio supported by accurate and advance market intelligence, which ultimately translates into timely and highly informed market decisions.
We are actively present in key shipping verticals like crude oil and oil products movements and dry bulk products. Over the last decade, we have successfully transacted more than 500 deals of various ticket sizes in the Tanker and Dry Cargo segment. We also pursue contracts for sale and purchase of ships of all types and capacities and ship demolition.
At Trans Ocean we also have deep expertise and vast experience in the ship pooling vertical. We are amongst the leading brokers for structuring Pool and inducting various sizes of ships for leading global pool operators.
We are on the panel of TRANSCHART (Ministry of Road & Surface Transport, Government of India) The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd., Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited, Essar Shipping Ports & Logistics Limited, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited ( Vizag Steel) & various other PSUS.
We are on the Brokers panel of reputed International Companies and are active members of BIMCO and Worldscale.
Our experience is a bridge and our expertise the momentum that connects business to opportunities.