Using intelligence with diligence to deliver excellence
Ship Broking is a specialised business that demands extensive knowledge, deep research and quick decisions. It requires people with skill sets who can respond to business enquiries proactively and conclude deals with a win-win approach to all the parties involved.
At Trans Ocean we have nurtured and developed a team that is competent enough to handle every challenge and informed enough to take a profitable decision. Our team works diligently and intelligently to bring together every interested party; we connect a person with a cargo to a company with a matching vessel, we connect buyers and sellers of second hand ships and even scout for and conclude contracts for new ship buildings.
Our team’s commitment to a clients’ business is truly unmatched. We stay involved at every stage right from the initial discussion, to presentation to potential clients, price and contract negotiations and right through the final conclusion of the business by all the parties involved.
Our people are familiar with all the documentation, technicalities, regulations and policies that govern our business at various regions across the world and they are also comfortable with using the latest business and communication technologies for enhancing business transaction and communication.
Smart yet courteous, detailed yet agile. This is how we can best describe our team.